Community Update

20 January 2022
Keep doing the things that keep us safe. A lot has changed since our last update before Christmas - COVID-19 is now present in our Mallee Track communities, and the Omicron variant is extremely infectious. As Government restrictions change and evolve, the best protection for our families and communities is to go back to what we know works:
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Community Update

16 December 2021
Volunteers Renae and Peter have been busy wrapping gifts and putting together food hampers to be delivered to local households as part of the Mallee Track Annual Community Christmas Appeal. The appeal is again being coordinated by MTHCS Ouyen Neighbourhood House in partnership with the Murrayville Neighbourhood House, Victoria Police, St Vincent de Paul Society and local schools.
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Community Update

9 December 2021
Spotlight on men's health. Ambulance Victoria paramedics Joe, Jacob and Brodie revived an important conversation around men’s health last month. As Team Mallee, the men took up the Movember challenge and grew moustaches to support and help change the lives of all the dads, brothers, sons and mates in their lives.
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Community Update

3 December 2021
Staying healthy in the heat. Summer has arrived and with it an important message about heat health from our friends at Ambulance Victoria. Each year your local health services care for many people with heat-related concerns. This year we anticipate outdoor activities will increase, which means preparing and knowing what to do in an emergency.
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Community Update

23 November 2021
Volunteers welcomed back. Our dedicated volunteers have begun returning to their roles around MTHCS. Our gardeners, community transport and Delivered Meals volunteers were keen to get back to supporting our community and we are very pleased and grateful to have them with us again.
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Community Update

16 November 2021
Board positions open. Are you passionate about the future direction of health and community services along the Mallee Track? Applications are now open for part-time board director positions at MTHCS, with terms of office commencing from July 1, 2022. These positions provide an opportunity for members of the Victorian public with relevant experience and qualifications to contribute to the strategic leadership of public health care delivery to the community.
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Community Update

9 November 2021
It has been exciting to see and experience the impact of restrictions easing in our community and services. The return of visitors to our aged care facilities was such an important and welcome step. Thank you to staff and community members who ensured this transition was smooth and safe. As we begin to resume our activities in the community and adjust to what COVID-normal looks like, please be aware of what you are doing, how you are doing it, and how it might impact on you, your loved ones and our community.
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Community Update

2 November 2021
As a multipurpose health service, MTHCS is operating under COVID-peak restrictions, which means we still aren't able to reopen some of our programs. But we are still here for you and staff have become very creative at delivering services via phone call, text or Zoom (what we now know as Telehealth).
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Community Update

28 October 2021
We have high vaccination rates in our communities and it’s important not to panic if/when we get positive COVID-19 cases in our communities. Please keep doing what you know works – get your COVID-19 vaccination if you haven’t already, wear a face mask, regularly use hand sanitiser, keep social distancing, and check-in using the QR code at every place you visit. Keep doing these things and continue to keep the people you love safe.
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Community Update

21 October 2021
A big shout out to everyone who has had their COVID-19 vaccination in the Mallee Track catchment area. Our vaccination rates far exceed those in other large population areas, including Mildura, which is largely why our communities are not experiencing large numbers of COVID-19 cases.
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