Residential respite is short-term care which aims to restore or maintain your independence. It can be arranged for a planned period of time and is available on an emergency basis. Respite care offers the resident a period of rest, care and support to increase your capacity to return home and continue living as independently as possible. For those with a carer, it allows you and your carer to take a break and ensures your care needs are met when your carer is unavailable for any reason.
Short-term care and residential aged care is provided in Ouyen and Sea Lake.
Respite care is funded in part by the Government and residents are required to pay a daily contribution.
You will need to be assessed by My Aged Care. For more information on how to access short-term care or for general enquire call the Ouyen Service Centre on (03) 5092 1111 or the Sea Lake Service Centre on (03) 5070 2155.
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