The Foundation of Mallee Track is a registered charity, established to raise funds for Mallee Track Health and Community Service (MTHCS). Every time you support the Foundation by raising funds or donating, you are contributing to improving the health of our communities.

The Foundation raises money specifically for MTHCS. While Government funding provides the essentials for our local health service, the funds raised by the Foundation make it possible for MTHCS to do more to provide the best care for our communities.

How does it work?

The Foundation is a separate entity to MTHCS and is managed by a board of local directors, who have a proud history of supporting health services in our communities over many years. Together, the directors use their professional expertise and local networks to ensure all money raised goes directly to what our communities need most.

The Directors are:

  • Philip Down (Board Chair)
  • Leanne Boyd
  • Howard Crothers
  • Terry Elliot
  • Keith Erhardt
  • Rowan Mott

What does the Foundation fund?

The Foundation has recently achieved its first priority, funding nearly $65,000 to purchase two new Zoll X series Defibrillator/Monitors that will be installed at Ouyen and Sea Lake Urgent Care Centres. These state-of-the-art defibrillators will help save the lives of those who are experiencing sudden and life-threatening loss of heart function that stops blood flow to vital organs during a cardiac arrest.

Photo: Leanne Boyd (Foundation Director), Howard Crothers (Foundation Director), Jacob McEwan (Ambulance Victoria), Nicole Magnisalis (Nurse Unit Manager, Ouyen) and Frances Peart (MTHCS Chief Executive Officer).

The units will replace the existing defibrillators and have the extra capability to monitor cardiac and vital signs, enable automatic and manual defibrillation and are fitted with a 12 lead Electrocardiogram. They are also compatible with Ambulance Victoria units which will streamline handover of patients in an emergency situation.

Initial and ongoing training is currently being conducted for all personnel in the Urgent Care Centre settings to ensure they will be familiar and ready to operate the devices.

Activity: Find your radial pulse

Radial Artery
  1. Face your palm up
  2. Use the tip of your index and third finger to feel the pulse on your radial artery
  3. Apply pressure so you can feel every beat
  4. Watch the second hand on a watch for one minute and record your beats per minute

Workforce Scholarship

In addition to the Zoll X series Defibrillator/Monitors, the Foundation is also raising money for a Workforce Scholarship program that will operate over the next five years. This program will help MTHCS staff members access important training and education to improve skills and knowledge. 

Annie Brown was recently awarded a scholarship to undertake a Diploma of Early Years Education and Care.

Photo: Annie Brown, Howard Crothers (Foundation Director), Tess, Ally and Lola

The Foundation’s future funding priorities remain flexible and will reflect the needs of the health service.

All donations over $2 are tax deductible

How do people donate?

People can support the Foundation of Mallee Track in several ways:

  • Running a fundraising event/activity.
  • Supporting a fundraising event/activity by purchasing tickets or making a donation.
  • Donating directly to the Foundation.
  • Remembering the Foundation in their will.

How does the Foundation work with the pre-existing auxiliaries?

The Foundation strengthens and complements the work of the auxiliaries – and the auxiliaries continue to play a vital and important role in supporting MTHCS. The Foundation has deductable Gift Recipient status, which enables anyone to donate and receive a tax benefit.

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