What are allied health services?

You might have come across the term 'allied health' or 'allied health professional' but who are these people and what do they do? Knowing about allied healthcare services, and how they might help, can make a lot of difference to your health.

Allied health practitioners are trained professionals who are not doctors, dentists or nurses. They can help you manage your physical or mental health, through services that include diagnosis, treatment or rehabilitation.

In Victoria, allied health incorporates 27 professions and more than 42,500 practitioners.

What services are available locally?

MTHCS has a team of Allied Health professionals who provide services in:

Our Allied Health department also coordinates:

  • Community Health Nursing
  • District (Home Visiting) Nurses
  • Hydrotherapy

How much will it cost me?

If you have a long-term health condition or a "care plan" prepared by your GP, you might be eligible for certain fee rebates. Some private health funds cover certain allied health services and My Aged Care also provides part or full subsidies for some services.

Talk to our friendly staff about your needs so that we can advise you.

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