Safe Patient Care (Nurse to Patient Ratios) Act 2015
Amendment Act 2019 and Amendment Act 2020

Ouyen Flexibed

Mixed ward: Acute and Aged Care
Total Number of occupied beds: 24
1 March 2022 – 31 August 2022

Acute Portion
AM Shift Ratios: 1:6 + 1 In Charge
PM Shift Ratios: 1:7 + 1 In Charge
ND Shift Ratios: 1:10

Aged Care Portion - Canon TD Martin Nursing Home
AM Shift Ratios: 1:7 + 1 In Charge
PM Shift Ratios: 1:8 + 1 In Charge
ND Shift Ratios: 1:15

Staffing for 24 hours
AM Shift: 2RNs + 3EENs
PM Shift: 2RN + 2EENs
ND Shift: 1RN + 1EEN

Expected number of occupied beds for the following 6-month period:
Acute - 0;
Aged Care - 24.

Sea Lake Flexibed

Mixed ward: Acute and Aged Care
Total Number of occupied beds: 15
1 March 2022 – 31 August 2022

Acute Portion
AM Shift Ratios: 1:6 + 1 In Charge;
PM Shift Ratios: 1:7 + 1 In Charge;
ND Shift Ratios: 1:10.

Aged Care Portion – Kaleesa Nursing Home
AM Shift Ratios: 1:7 + 1 In Charge;
PM Shift Ratios: 1:8 + 1 In Charge.
ND Shift Ratios: 1:15.

Staffing for 24 hours
AM Shift: 1RN + 2EENs
PM Shift: 1RN + 2EENs
ND Shift: 1RN + 1EEN

Expected number of occupied beds for the following 6-month period:
Acute - 0;
Aged Care - 15.

Last updated: 1st March 2022

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