MTHCS is the largest employer for health services in the catchment. It is ideally placed to support local workforce through traineeships and capacity building. Our roles are non-gender specific and MTHCS encourages all suitable qualified applicants to apply.

MTHCS is situated in the Mallee Region of Victoria, just over one hours drive south of Mildura.  The district is known for its broad acre farming and grazing.

Providing employment opportunities to local people strengthens the community and provides greater sustainability of the workforce. Enabling health career pathways for local people through traineeships and upskilling existing clinical capacity provides opportunities to provide in-place services through a local workforce. With health being one of the top industries of employment in Ouyen, this is especially important for future sustainability.

Our Service Centres are located within a defined catchment which includes the towns of Ouyen, Sea Lake, Patchewollock, Underbool & Murrayville.  Also within the catchment are five pre-school services, seven primary schools and three secondary schools.  MTHCS also delivers long day care and vacation care programs.

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