Dr Frances Peart

Welcome to the Mallee Track Health & Community Service (MTHCS) website.

MTHCS is an innovative integrated Multi-Purpose Service (MPS) and we are located in the heart of the Mallee in North West Victoria.

The MPS model was developed to meet the needs of rural communities where the market has failed and the workforce is thin – integration of services and workforce is what makes our health service viable.

We are a public sector entity – and to enable access to services we often host other partners (private, public and philanthropic).

We provide services to meet the growing need of our communities. These needs are identified through our strategic planning processes and in consultation with our communities.

As an MPS we provide services across the age and life span – from early childhood education and care to residential aged care.  We have a diverse workforce which reflects the nature of the services that we provide. As a health service we are immensely proud of the work of this service – and the staff and volunteers who continue to connect us together.

Our catchment consists of 18,000 square kilometres and captures the communities of Ouyen, Murrayville, Underbool, Patchewollock, Sea Lake, Manangatang and surrounding districts.

Meet the Directors

Rosemary Cattanach

Rosemary Cattanach

Executive Director of Nursing and Midwifery
Lyndal Munro

Lyndal Munro

Director of Community Services
Dr Mau Wee

Dr Mau Wee

Director of Medical Services

Who are we?

Mallee Track Health and Community Service (MTHCS) is a Multipurpose Service Program. We deliver a mix of aged and community health services across the catchment.

MTHCS receives MPS funds (approximately $8 million) and has other government contracts to deliver other services (approximately $6 million) – a total budget of $14 million. 

When the Sea Lake Hospital was facing closure in 2009, the Board at the time felt that bringing the hospital under the MTHCS multipurpose funding model would save the facility and the 40 jobs that would be lost. 

There are now 58 people employed at Sea Lake and over 200 across the catchment.

Our region

MTHCS is situated in the Mallee Region of Victoria, just over one hour drive south of Mildura.

Our Service Centres are located within a defined catchment which includes the towns of Ouyen, Sea Lake, Patchewollock, Underbool & Murrayville.  The median age in the MTHCS catchment is 51 years, with 29% of the population aged 65 and over and 4% aged between 0 and 4 years of age.

The district is known for its broadacre farming and grazing.

MTHCS provides infrastructure in Sea Lake and Ouyen to support General Practitioners and Nurse Practitioners in establishing a medical service in each community. 

Our Services

We provide services to meet the growing needs of our communities. These needs are identified through Community Service planning processes and prioritised in our Strategic Plan. For a full list of the services, visit the Our Services section.

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