Mallee Track Health & Community Service (MTHCS) is governed by a Board appointed by the Governor-in-Council upon the recommendation of the Minister for Health.

Sound Board governance systems provide protection for the organisation, its stakeholders and the Board against fraud, illegal practices and poor performance by its own members, its Chief Executive and staff.

The Board is committed to the adoption of ethical conduct in all areas of its responsibilities and authority. Board members are committed to acting honestly and in good faith at all times. The Board is required to regularly review its own performance as the basis for its own development and quality assurance. The Board of Directors meets monthly.

Mrs Mary Rydberg
Mrs Mary Rydberg (Interim Board Chair)
Appointed December 2023

Mary has over 25 years of management experience with a number of government, community and health organisations. Most recently, following 14 years of managing community care services for the City of Greater Dandenong, Mary and her husband in 2017 returned to the Mallee and now once again reside in Mildura. She is currently a non-executive Board member with Mallee Accommodation and Support Program (MASP in Mildura) and a Board member of SEHCP Inc. (trading as Enliven Vic) in Melbourne.

Mary is a graduate member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors and is committed to maintaining her governance knowledge and skills to better contribute to the important work undertaken by local Boards in supporting organisations within the community.

Mrs Joy Lynch
Mrs Joy Lynch
Appointed July 2016

Joy has over four decades experience as an educator at schools throughout the Ouyen district and Loddon Mallee. She has a passion for student welfare, including involvement in projects that develop lifelong learning opportunities for rural families, and working with vulnerable and disadvantaged families. Joy understands the challenges of accessing health and community services in rural and remote communities and the need for the health service to be innovative and able to utilize every opportunity. Joy has a vested interest in the future success of MTHCS - she and her family continue to rely on its cradle to the grave services as residents of the local community.

As a resident of the Mallee since she began teaching at Underbool in 1979, Joy is also a local primary producer on the family’s property, Lynch Ag, in Underbool, where she manages staff and contractors and Occupational Health and Safety compliance. Joy is actively involved in the region’s economic development - from agribusiness, health and community sectors, and a wish to promote tourism and arts.

Community life in Ouyen means a willingness to serve multiple roles and the ability to form strong working relationships and partnerships with stakeholders. Joy has proven ability to establish and maintain alliances with government agencies and representatives to achieve strategic outcomes for the health service.

Community capacity building is one of her biggest passions with Joy’s community involvement and professional and personal life including development of local sports such as junior swimming and gymnastics. Joy is a keen advocate of early years learning, with expertise in literacy and physical education. She believes strongly in the health and social support programs delivered by MTHCS and the importance of reducing social and geographical isolation to achieve better health and wellbeing outcomes for the community.

Mr Frank Piscioneri
Appointed July 2021

A qualified accountant (FCPA) with over 28 years’ experience in the education sector at an executive level in the role of Chief Financial Officer and Director Operation.

Frank brings insights from his experience across corporate finance, operations and governance.

He currently serves as a Director on the Board of Mildura Base Public Hospital, Mallee Accommodation Support Program, Chaffey Aged Care and is the Chair of the Finance Audit and Risk committee of Mildura District Aboriginal Services.

Dr Mau Wee
Ms Carol Mioduchowski
Appointed July 2022

Carol has had extensive experience in the health sectors both as a leader and clinician. She has a clinical background as a Podiatrist and has worked in a number of leadership roles within the public health system across acute, subacute, community health and aged care areas.

Her current role is a Community Health Area Manager at Barwon Health and has been instrumental in the recent service expansion in the Northern Suburbs in Geelong, establishing the Barwon Health North site.

Professionally Carol has been involved in the leadership of a number of national and state boards for Podiatry, Allied Health Professions and Weenthunga Health Network.

Carol is passionate and has a strong commitment to employee engagement and development in a values based culture and governance framework to drive high quality local based health and community care. 

Carol looks forward to what can be achieved in the already strong progressive communities of the Mallee, where together what they have accomplished is impressive. She has a link to the Mallee with having a residence in the area and is delighted to have the opportunity to contribute to Mallee Track Health and local communities through the board.

Mr Alexander Look
Appointed July 2023

Alexander is a clinician (registered pharmacist), business owner (holding formal tertiary qualification “Master of Business Administration, MBA”) and a local Ouyen resident.

He has practiced as a pharmacist for over a decade managing and setting up new pharmacy businesses in rural towns across New South Wales, Western Australia, and Victoria. As a clinician, he has special interest in mental health. He regularly conducts “Home Medication Reviews” house-visit consultations along the Mallee Track to assist patients with improving their safe and effective use of medications.

He has owned Ouyen Pharmacy since 2021. Ouyen Pharmacy was recognised on the national stage as a Finalist and High Commendation Award recipient for The Pharmacy Guild of Australia Pharmacy of the Year Awards for 2023. This was in recognition of excellence in professional innovation, business management and community engagement.

Alexander is a committee member of Ouyen Inc (local progress society) and has strong connections to the local Mallee community.

Mr Nick McDonald
Appointed July 2023

Nick is a Registered Nurse with qualifications in Children’s nursing and a Masters in Business Administration. Nick has worked in Aged and Community Care for his entire career, spanning almost 30 years. Nick is the founder and CEO of one of Australia’s largest private in-home care providers and is extremely passionate about ensuring older people and those with disabilities can live independently at home.

Nick is a graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors and has Board experience in Private Companies as well as peak body associations. Nick and his wife Lisa reside in Melbourne but have a passion and connection with the rural Australia. Nick has three young children who keep him on his toes outside of the boardroom.

Nick has a unique blend of clinical and commercial experience and a deeply rooted purpose in helping vulnerable Australians. Nick is committed to bringing these skills and experience to Mallee Track Health and Community Services and the communities we serve.

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