Did you know?

  • The maximum speed limit on a mobility scooter is 10 km per hour.
  • Mobility scooters are designed to be used on footpaths.
  • It is illegal to travel on a road if there is a safe and suitable footpath or nature strip.
  • If there is no safe alternative, you may travel on the road, but you must travel facing the oncoming traffic.

For people who have difficulty walking, a mobility scooter or ‘gopher’ can be a great way to maintain independence, but their increased popularity has led to a number of deaths and serious injuries among older people.

Riding a mobility scooter requires a combination of sight, strength, coordination, balance and concentration. VicRoads advise anyone considering the purchase of a mobility scooter to seek expert advice from an Occupational Therapist (OT).

The OT will assess your individual abilities and needs, assess your local environment, recommend features to ride safely and legally, and assist with education and training to increase your safety and confidence with using a mobility scooter.

The OT will also liaise with your doctor about medical conditions and medications that may impact on your ability to operate a mobility scooter and recommend features needed to ride safely and legally. The OT will also liaise with your doctor about medications and medical conditions that may impact your ability to operate a scooter safely.

The MTHCS OT has extensive information and resources on mobility scooters and is available for home visits and mobility scooter training across the catchment.

Contact the Occupational Therapy department on 5092-1111 Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm if you have any queries or would like to make an appointment.

MTHCS has scooter recharge points at:

  • Murrayville Service Centre (in the group room)
  • Ouyen Hospital (under PAG pergola area)
  • Patchewollock Community Store
  • Underbool Service Centre
  • Sea Lake Hospital (Reception)

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