Flying High to Achieve a Dream

Flying High to Achieve a Dream

9 August 2023

WHEN Lynn Williams went with her friends to the Mallee Machinery Field Day in Speed recently, she had “absolutely no idea” she’d be ticking a huge item off her bucket list.

The 93-year-old Mallee Track and Health and Community Service (MTHCS) community client has always loved to fly, since her very first plane flight in the 1950s – from then, she was hooked!

“I’ve never been afraid of flying, there is just something really wonderful and exciting about being up in the air and I have always loved it,” Mrs Williams said.

“I’ve been on a few large planes but never a helicopter – it’s always been on my bucket list, but the opportunity had never come up,” she said.

When Lynn got the chance to attend the Mallee Machinery Field Days with 7 members of the social support group, she jumped at it.

“It was so unexpected and out of the blue, but when I saw the helicopter there offering rides to patrons, I knew I had to be on it,” she said.

And with the help of MTHCS social support staff member Vanessa Morrish, Ms Williams’ dream became a reality – and up they went.

“It was tricky to get into the helicopter because I have a wheelie walker, but I said to Vanessa, ‘even if I have to crawl onto this helicopter, I’m going’!” chuckled Ms Williams.

“There had to be two of us on the flight, and Vanessa was generous enough to offer to come with me, even though she wasn’t necessarily keen on the height.

“But I’m so grateful to her for doing that, the flight itself was absolutely amazing, just brilliant. I got to look out over the terrain of the Mallee, over the Speed township, I could point out the public hall, and the church – it was just delightful. Truly an experience I’ll never forget.”

Ms Morrish said it was “a delight” to be able to accompany Ms Williams on the flight.

“To see her face light up when she saw the helicopter, it really was something special,” she said.

“She was waving to everyone down on the ground like the Queen, it was just so lovely to see the excitement and pure joy on her face.”

Ms Williams said she’s “so thankful” to the staff at MTHCS for “all the ways they take care” of her.

“They take care of me and my health so well, they’re quite brilliant really,” she said.

“They’re the reason I’ve gotten to the age of 93, and I’m very thankful to them all.”

Pictures: Lynn Williams and pilot Bruce Nietvelt

For interviews or further comment please contact:
MTHCS CEO Dr Frances Peart ph: (03) 5092 1111
Or MTHCS Communications Sharon Maloney mb: 0411 104 598

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