Mallee Track delivers for Patchewollock

Mallee Track delivers for Patchewollock

3 July 2023

Mallee Track Health and Community Service staff are supporting people in the Patchewollock community as changes take place to home care and meal delivery.

MTHCS is one of the new providers servicing the Commonwealth Home Support Programme clients in the Patchewollock district.

Mallee Track staff recently attended a lunch at the Patchewollock Hotel to meet the community and answer questions.

Community and Social Support Manager Nadiene Lynch said the focus of the discussion was the area’s Delivered Meals services.

“It was fantastic to meet everyone and gather for a delicious meal,” she said.

“Our team is contacting everyone who previously received delivered meals from the Yarriambiack council to discuss their needs and how Mallee Track Health can support them into the future.

“We want to make sure that during the transition people are informed and continue to receive the support they need.

“We’re also working with the Patchewollock community to arrange more centre-based meals, and we’ll have more information on these soon.”

Home support services are available to people aged 65 years and over, or to First Nations people aged 50 or above.

Referral into all of these services is still via My Age Care on 1800 200 422.

Anyone with questions about the transition can contact Nadiene Lynch at MTHCS on 5092 1111.

Picture: Lesley Mack, MTHCS Community and Social Support Manager Nadiene Lynch and Meg Walsh

For interviews or further comment please contact:
MTHCS CEO Dr Frances Peart ph: (03) 5092 1111
Or MTHCS Communications Sharon Maloney mb: 0411 104 598

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