Position summary
Educational Leader
This position requires the incumbent to inspire, lead, and mentor Early Years Educators in quality, ethical practice that aligns with MTHCS values, Early Learning Centre philosophy, ECA Code of Ethics and Child Safe Standards. The Educational Leader is
required to support daily operations of the service.
Early Childhood Teacher
This position is responsible for the delivery of developmentally informed programs to children 3 – 6 who are enrolled at the Preschool. Support to other centres in the cluster may be required – and negotiated as needed.
Selection criteria
- Proven ability to apply high ethical standards and represent MTHCS in a professional manner.
- Highly developed verbal and written communication skills.
- Bachelor of Early Childhood Education or any such qualification as approved by Early Childhood
- Good time-management with the ability to plan, work and manage time effectively without direct supervision.
- An interest in improving the health of families through the delivery of children's services.
- Sound understanding and knowledge of early childhood development.
- Ability to prepare, document and implement a detailed developmentally appropriate educational program for children with parental involvement.
- A demonstrated ability to maintain confidentiality of information.
- Ability to collaborate and lead a team of educators.
- Ability to work closely with EY Leadership team.
- Knowledge of National Quality Standards and VEYLDF.
- Current Driver's Licence.
- Current Police Check.
- Bachelor of Education or working towards.
- Experience as a leader within an Early Years' Service.
Key responsibilities
Educational Leader
- Promote a positive culture and build a professional learning community.
- Support and mentor educators in building professional and respectful relationships with children, families
and colleagues.
- Observe and engage in critical reflection regarding child / educator interactions to support best practice
within a quality early childhood educational program.
- Build on current strengths and identify areas of need in relation to Professional Development and Practice of
- Plan for, lead, and actively participate in staff meetings.
- Regularly contribute to the QIP and RAP through review, discussion and documentation.
- To comply with MTHCS Code of Conduct.
- To ensure that MTHCS Infection Control guidelines are fully implemented.
- Demonstrate awareness and understanding of diversity and culture.
- Other duties as directed.
Early Childhood Teacher
- Ensuring that children's developmental outcomes are met and progressed.
- Leading program planning.
- Leading professional, developmentally informed observations about children.
- Leading and creating a learning environment which responds to each child's developmental abilities.
- Oversight of the delivery of a service which is child and family centred in its approach.
- Ensuring compliance with the relevant Acts, Regulations and Standards that affect Children's Services.
- Implementation of School Readiness Funding program.
- To comply with the professional development requirements in the Industrial Award of agreement (under the
- To actively encourage parent (families) involvement in developing and implementing the program at
- To collaborate and network with colleagues across the catchment.
- Maintains current and accurate knowledge of the relevant Acts, Regulations, Legislation, Codes of Practice
and Industry and Australian Standards and Guidelines that affect the Education and Care Services and
incorporating them into all aspects of practice.
- To comply with the professional development requirements in the Industrial Award of agreement (under the
- Other duties as directed.
Employment with MTHCS
Child Safe Organisation
Mallee Track Health and Community Service is committed to preventing child abuse, identifying risks early, and removing and reducing these risks.
Occupational Health & Safety and Environmental
All MTHCS employees will:
- Ensure that they take reasonable care to protect their own health and safety, and the health and safety of others.
- Use any equipment provided for health and safety purposes.
- Obey reasonable instructions given by MTHCS in relation to health and safety at work.
- Help MTHCS meet our duty of care, such as by undertaking hazard inspections.
- Comply with all MTHCS OHS policies and procedures.
- Ensure they do not interfere with or misuse anything provided in the interests of health and safety.
Section 21 of the Occupational Health & Safety Act 2004, requires an Employer to provide and maintain, so far as is reasonable and practicable, a safe workplace for all employees and ensure that no employee is placed at risk of injury while performing
the duties and responsibilities required by their position.
To comply with this obligation, MTHCS requires all candidates/employees to have the mental and physical capacity to safely perform the inherent requirements of the position they are applying for (or have been appointed to).
If a risk is identified and fitness to safely perform the duties of the position needs to be determined, MTHCS with the agreement of the candidate/employee, will arrange an independent medical assessment to determine capacity to safely perform the inherent
requirements of the position to minimise the risk of injury or aggravation of any pre-existing condition the candidate/employee may have.
Compulsory Training
As per the schedule.
Performance Appraisal
Conducted as per appraisal schedule.
How to apply
Your application must clearly state the position title specified on the advertisement and include:
- A statement addressing each Key Selection Criteria clearly demonstrating your ability to meet the objectives of the role. Note: Read the Position Description (PD) carefully so you have a good understanding of what is required and remember to address
what knowledge, skills and attributes you have.
- General resume.
- Copies of any formal qualifications. Note: hard copies of your qualifications will need to be produced at interview.
Appointment is subject to satisfactory completion of a Police Record Check and also a Working With Children Check for nominated positions.
To apply please forward current resume with covering letter addressing the key selection criteria to:
People and Culture
PO Box 130, Ouyen VIC 3490
Or alternatively an application can be emailed to careers@mthcs.vic.gov.au
Applications received earlier than the closing date may be assessed, interviewed and offered employment prior to the closing date.
Closing date: Wednesday, 2 Apr 2025, 5:00 pm